Cervical Cancer Screening
High-risk HPV test combines with Pap smear (Co-testing) increases the ratio of cervical cancer or precancerous lesions detection
Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer in women worldwide. Cervical cancer is the 8th most common cancer and the 9th leading cause of cancer-related deaths amongst women in Hong Kong. Yet it is one of the truly preventable cancers.
The leading cause of cervical cancer is HPV (Human papillomavirus), which is responsible for more than 99 percent of all cases. Most HPV infections, precancerous lesions and early cervical cancer have no symptoms, and if treatment is not timely, the cancer will develop to an advanced stage and is difficult to treat. Therefore, regular screening (for example: Pap smear and high-risk HPV test) is very important for women.
An advanced screening method – Co-testing (High-risk HPV test + Pap smear)
- High-risk HPV test
- Pap smear
Pap smear is a traditional cervical cancer screening method, combining with high-risk HPV test (Co-testing) increased the ratio of cervical cancer or precancerous lesions detection from 57 – 74% to more than 90%*. Co-testing has been validated to be very effective in assessing the risk of cervical cancer and helping women to prevent cervical cancer. The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (HKCOG) has included co-testing in its latest 2016 Cervical Cancer Screening Guideline 12. Sample for both Pap smear and high-risk HPV test can be collected at the same time in a clinic before sending it to the laboratory for testing. Early risk identification allows physicians to take appropriate action to lower the risk of developing cervical cancer.
To raise the awareness of cervical cancer prevention, promotional discount is given on the Co-testing. For enquiries, please contact Obstetrics & Gynaecology Centre at 2339 7200.
Regular cervical cancer screening and timely treatment of the detected pre-cancerous changes can prevent cervical cancer.
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