Services Overview
Breast Care Centre

Breast Care Centre

Breast cancer is the most common female cancer in Hong Kong, it is estimated that one in every 14 women* has breast cancer.  With a collaborative team comprising experienced specialists in surgery, oncology, radiology, pathology and nuclear medicine, plastic surgery, breast care nurses, chaplains and breast cancer patient support group, the Breast Care Centre of Hong Kong Baptist Hospital dedicates to provide expert screening, diagnosis, disease management, pre- and post-operative care as well as counseling through a multidisciplinary approach.

Services Scope

  • Breast Screening
    Screening is recommended in the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer in early stage. The Centre is equipped with a range of sophisticated imaging machines, screening by these advanced technologies and analysis by our experienced radiologists ensure an accurate diagnosis of conditions in early stage to reduce suffering and enhances recovery.
    Some of our facilities include:
    • Full Field Digital Mammography
    • 3D Mammography
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
    • Ultrasound Breast Imaging
    • fine needle aspiration
    • core biopsy
    • Mammotome®
    • hookwire localization biopsy
  • Diagnosis
    • Breast Cancer
      • In general, around 90% lump in breasts are benign**, some are yet malignant which grow in an uncontrolled way and damage normal breast tissues. Cancer may also spread to the other parts of the body through blood or lymph vessels.
    • Benign Breast Conditions
      • One-stop diagnosis, treatment and advice are available to patients who have benign breast conditions like including fibroadenoma, cysts, breast pain and so forth.
  • Education
    Breast health awareness is of paramount importance in preventing and combating breast cancer, therefore we actively provide essential information and education to promote breast health.


*According to the 2020 statistics published by Hong Kong Cancer Registry, Hospital Authority

**Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s “PINK REVOLUTION” breast cancer awareness website (

Service Hours & Contact
Monday to Friday 10:00am to 1:00pm
3:00pm to 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 1:00pm
Sunday & Public Holidays Closed

For enquiries and appointments, please contact us at: (By appointment only)

  • 2/F, Block B, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital, 222 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong
  • 2339 7438 or WhatsApp 92718592
  • 2339 7439
Dr.LAU Hiu Yan Stephanie
Director, Breast Care Centre
Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK
MS in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery (UEA)
Specialist in General Surgery
Health Information



Health Information

What is Breast Cancer?  

Breast cancer is the most common female cancer in Hong Kong, it was recorded over 4900 women were diagnosed of breast cancer in 2020*.  It is estimated that one in every 14 women* has breast cancer. Moreover, there is an increasing incidence of breast cancer among the younger age group. In general, most of the lumps (around 90%) in breasts are benign**, some are yet malignant which grow in an uncontrolled way and damage normal breast tissues. Cancer may also spread to the other parts of the body through blood or lymph vessels.


Early detection of breast cancer enables easier treatment and higher chance of recovery. It is advised that women should perform regular physical breast examination. Whenever unusual signs are detected, which include hardening, distortion of shape and size of breast or nipple, secretion, or abnormal pain, please consult a medical specialist immediately.


* According to the 2020 statistics published by Hong Kong Cancer Registry, Hospital Authority

** Reference: Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s “PINK REVOLUTION” breast cancer awareness website

Package Offer

Breast Screening Promotion Package

Breast Screening
2D Mammogram 1
USG Breast 1
Specialist Doctor Consultation 1


  1. Breast Screening Package is not suitable for women who have history of breast surgery (included of Breast Plastic Surgery) and women with symptoms. Please call our Breast Care Centre for more information.
  2. There will be additional fees and time for optional / additional items, if biopsy and procedures are required for abnormal condition.

Package price